A custom combination of power pipe and heavy steel base, requiring a minimum of 4” of depth, making it a perfect solution for planters and soil beds that cannot accommodate the 12” or 18” depth of Power Pipe or Power Pipe II. Compatible with any B-K Floodlight or Pathlight fixtures that mount to a Power Pipe, such as: Delta Star, Staff Star, Litestick, and Glow Star.
A custom combination of a power pipe and a heavy steel base, which requires a minimum of 4” of depth, making it a perfect solution for planters and soil beds that cannot accommodate the 12” or 18” depth of Power Pipe or Power Pipe II. Compatible with any B-K Floodlight or Pathlight fixtures that mount to a Power Pipe, such as: Delta Star, Staff Star, Litestick, and Glow Star. Is this or a similar custom design perfect for your project? Whether it’s an exact match, or something entirely different, we can provide you with exactly what you need. Submit your custom product idea using the form below or contact us for more information.