Product Information

B-K Lighting + TEKA Illumination were on hand at the Light Affair trade show which was held on June 20th, 2013 at the PG&E Pacific Energy Center in San Francisco, California.

The St. Louis Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society hosted the 10th Annual Golf Outing on Friday, May 17th, 2013 at the Annbriar Golf Club located in Waterloo, IL. B-K Lighting sponsored a 4 player team.

B-K Lighting + TEKA Illumination have been supporting and providing soldier care packages to servicemen and women throughout the world since 2002. It is one of our proudest corporate achievements.

Summer has arrived and with that, overseas hostilities have increased in theaters of war. Unfortunately, this rise in conflict also raises the potential for tragic injury of American soldiers and service personnel caught in the line of fire. With the close of the third quarter, we are able to report what financial good will be literally paid forward to our heroes through the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.

Jennifer Foley from OmniLite in Burlington, Massachusetts, won an iPad Mini from B-K Lighting for her participation in our Lightfair 2013 Dare to Compare follow-up survey.